Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Beautiful "Almost" 6-Year-Old

While dinner was in the oven, I figured why not take Angelina to the backyard for some head shots. I mean, the lighting was perfect. I've been putting it off for a while and I'm so glad I'm finally picking up my camera to take my own kids' pictures! Enjoy my little beauty. I wish I had her eyelashes!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm Back...to Share the Newest LOVE in My Life!

Hi friends! I'm finally back to introduce Mateo Alexander. He's 3 1/2 months old today. Please excuse my 6-month disappearance. I was adjusting to my new (lack of) sleep schedule and being a mother of three:) Here are a few photos taken in Mateo's room. I had to get that cute hat in some photos before he outgrows it! His two big sisters are enjoying him and smothering him with constant hugs and kisses. I'm truly blessed. Enjoy my little man:)